Long time no see

Lockdown has not brought out the writer in me or the painter or the linguist or sadly the exerciser. Instead I have mostly sat metaphorically or otherwise paralysed like a rabbit in the headlights of an ‘unprecedented’ series of events.

Colinton tunnel mural

I wonder how many others have found themselves observing the weirdness of a life paused while complying willingly to the rules of safety.

My lockdown life has been a gentle one of privilege and access to a garden and to online communications with family, to a job not furloughed and to a cupboard full of toilet rolls and wine, but I have still felt a sense of loss.

I have not had a direct experience of the impact of Covid -19 on a loved one so I appreciate my loss is small by comparison to those experienced by many. But I have missed the easy interaction of city life, a trip on a bus to a cafe or pub, and those tiny observations of others that reminds us of humanity.

While others have found joy in birdsong – I miss the noisy clatter of messy lives.

Blog author in a red coat
Pre lockdown flaneuse